Gameface moisturiser is a tool to serve and protect you from the elements. Specifically engineered to be light on the skin and easily absorbed, Gameface is a unique formulation of Jojoba extract, Horopito oil, Ponga fern (Cumingii) and Vitamin E, combined with a subtle infusion of essential oils to deliver a fragrance we call 'smoke and wood'. The result is a nutrient-rich, hydrating cream that will leave skin feeling toned, supple and fresh.
A great moisturiser should add elasticity and toning; it should deliver active ingredients that work with the skin's composition assisting it to stay in balance and uplifted. It should have active properties that can treat and protect the surface of the skin, addressing any surface inflammation or abrasions. And of course, it should work to hydrate the skin, locking in the good oil to keep skin enriched and healthy.
Your skins natural oils and dead skin cells combine to create a natural barrier on your skin that serves two purposes: one is to keep nasties out; the other is to keep the good stuff – like moisture, in. Everyday exposure to the elements chips away at this natural protection. Moisturising regularly with high quality, naturally engineered products like Gameface combats this process and acts to level the playing field in the fight between your skin and the world.
Inventory Last Updated: Mar 13, 2025